Saturday 12 December 2015

My professional brand

I had to laugh when I typed in my name into Google - it had no idea who I was, hooray! Mostly I am one of a selection of older ladies in America (which I am not!) Even the Facebook page brought up one of these same ladies so I am satisfied that all my privacy settings are working.

I started my LinkedIn page really just to keep up with what other people I knew from the School Librarians Network were doing. I updated it a bit a few months ago for this course - just filled in some of the missing gaps - and then again when I was told of a spectacular job possibility which now seems to have fizzled out. Not the end of the world as I already have a dream of a job in a school I like a great deal, where I am happy to end my professional days.

I must confess that I am not at all comfortable putting so much info online about myself and this blog has reminded me to readjust my LinkedIn Page! I think it is the self promotion aspect that I find most uncomfortable - I do a good job and if I am thanked then that is great but advertising myself? Not so good. I very rarely approve followers, I never quite understand what someone in an industry I am unlikely to be associated with would want with following me. So as you can see I am not your average social media person.

The LinkedIn page stays for now but it will probably go when I sign my last contract as there will really be no need then.

I can see this is a useful service especially to the self employed although I suspect that mostly it is people looking for customers not customers looking for people to employ.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marion, delighted to see you are continuing with the course. I think it's brilliant that you are considering all your privacy setting and are really going into this with your eyes open. You've definatley given it some thought and that is exactly what is needed with RUdai 23.


Thanks for your comment - it will show as soon as I have read it.