Saturday 19 December 2015

Live Streaming

I can see this would be very useful in some situations. For instance, I work for an international school that is affiliated to an UK school. There may one day be an occasion where I might want to do a live streaming event with this school. There is the inevitable problem with the 8 hour time difference, but if we stay late or they start first thing in the morning I can see that may work. So long as the internet holds up. Author events are routinely held like this but to UK timings so of no use to students here - there is something artificial and excluding about watching a live streaming retrospectively. So long as it is not me on the screen.

I watched the Hang out (after it had finished - that old time difference again) and saw that it is all down to the connection.  I have certainly used Skype in this way in the past - I used to work remotely for a company and we would hold meetings in this way so I did not have to go to London, but admit I do not enjoy being on a screen visually. I use Skype every day to keep in touch with my family and when it is good it is excellent and I love the fact that when my meagre download allowance is almost finished then we can type.

I had a go at this and hated it. I can type like this all day about a range of subjects without a problem, I don't mind talking - although I prefer to type. But I absolutely never want to be filmed. I have recently done a couple of Skype interviews and that was bad enough but the idea of actually broadcasting myself to strangers - no - that is where the line is drawn. So I had go just so I could say I had done it, technically it was fine.

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