Tuesday 21 July 2015

More from the life of a Librarian working in Malaysia (most of the time)

I am in the UK at present, for the summer holidays - we are selling our house and buying a new one. If we exchange whilst I am here then I shall do as much of the packing as I can - at least my books which I always feel happier packing myself. So I am rather busy as I also have to select and order books for most of next year for the Library. Annoyingly I am having problems with my Amazon wish lists which I use to co-ordinate my wants so the order is going nowhere in a hurry. 

I also want to do the Rudai 23 course - time is far too short but somehow I will fit it in, as it has plus go and visit various friends and family. I really need to do the SLA EPQ course as there is a chance I might be an EPQ tutor this coming academic year.

Malaysia seems far away right now, but as the book selection shows I am not ignoring it. I am also picking up a few books to take back with me and posters (thanks to Heaths for posters they are including with the order). 

Being a new school we are taking on a significant number of new teachers for the new academic year and want to make sure that the resources are as suitable as possible for them as well as the existing teachers. I will be returning to Malaysia on 22nd August. A day off and back to work. Two weeks induction and then term begins. The excitement of meeting new students and staff is very real as we grow and develop into one of the foremost international schools in Malaysia.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marion, don't forget to register for your CPD cert for Rudai23 by Monday 30th November, if you'd like to finish. You can get an extensionuntil 1st Feb.
    We'd love to see you complete the course.


Thanks for your comment - it will show as soon as I have read it.