Saturday 11 July 2015

Interview with a Librarian

I often became bored and dissatisfied with most of my jobs prior to becoming a School Librarian, nearly 14 years ago. School Librarianship has given me an ever changing backdrop to work against and I am never bored or dissatisfied with the work. There is so much variety and always something new to learn or to try as well as the satisfaction that no knowledge is ever wasted - everything you learn can be applied sooner or later. I love having access to so many good books, although I can barely discuss books written for adults!

I have a regularly changing population of users in my school library, they usually stay long enough to get to know them and to learn about their lives and dislikes. The ever changing population is one of the variables that keeps me thinking of new ideas and new solutions to sometimes new challenges and sometimes the same old challenges.

I decided to become a Librarian in 2000. I needed something to immerse myself in after years at home with my two youngest children and had initially decided to train as a teacher - so glad I didn't as I would not have been a good one. I discovered a City and Guilds Library and Information Professionals' course about to start at a local college that fitted in with my other obligations; my son's school agreed to let me do the practical part of the course in their library - they had no Librarian, two of the teachers ran it between them and they were very happy to let me take over and two months later I was employed, initially on a very part time basis but gradually the hours grew. Such a good decision for them and me. So a love of books, reading and computers and the wish to share my loves meant I was in the right place at the right time.

My husband has always supported me, it is very difficult to have a career without family support. I realised almost straight away that this is the career I should have chosen when I left school. I have always loved it and I am happy to put in however much effort is required to do the best job I can.

Before becoming a Librarian I worked as a desktop publisher both self employed and initially for a large software company where I learnt all my computer skills and picked up a knowledge and real enthusiasm for databases and the use and manipulation of information.

My degree helped me as it taught me to think critically - it was in Modern History, a subject I continue to be enthusiastic about to this day, it also taught me to apply myself in a prolonged and concentrated way. I did it as a mature student as an evening degree whilst working full time and being a one parent family - thank goodness for my mother! Not a traditional route into the profession but it has proved to be the right route for me.

Marion Prickett


  1. Well done on the blog post, would love to hear more about the work you do, would love a school librarian position but they are like gold dust!

    1. Hi,
      Last year I became aware of the opportunities for Librarians working overseas. In June 2014 I secured the post of Librarian to a brand new school being opened in Malaysia in September. I could not have been luckier.

      My job for the last year has been to open and set up a Library assisting the whole school community but particularly the students to introduce a reading culture that is embedded throughout the whole school. I also have been teaching Library Skills to all age groups, all the classes in the prep school from nursery to year 6 have a weekly lesson which I teach and so these children - particularly from years 3-6 had weekly lessons introducing them to many aspects of the Library. The youngest children are read stories and choose a book to take home, years 1 and 2 sometimes listen to a story and again choose their own book to take home, sometimes they have a more focussed idea for a theme or topic to choose books for.
      More later!

    2. Wow, sounds like a very exciting job, are you still in Malaysia?
      Yes, I agree, family support is essential, in all jobs for that matter!
      Stephanie #Rudai23


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